Eziway proudly have almost 500 organisations with 50,000 active packages. We understand your Salary Packaging Employer Benefits and the attraction of a positive Salary Packaging experience for your employees. Enabling you, the Employer to attract the attention of valuable staff and lower your attrition rate by offering tailored Salary Packages, industry leading technology and service, available 24/7.

Remain a preferred employer in your sector
Eziway provides Salary Packaging Employer benefits go beyond your employees with industry leading technology and service reflecting positively on you as an employer.
Eziway's all-inclusive service eliminates 'noise' from staff
Your Salary Sacrifice Employer Benefits with Eziway advocates our dedicated service model providing 24/7 serviceability to your employees.
Eziway are industry specialists in Salary Packaging Employer Benefits
With over 450 clients and 45,000 tailored packages increasing daily we understand the FBT exempt industries and Salary Sacrificing Employer Benefits, so you see things clearly.
Eziway is Owner operated and Australian Owned
We are invested in supporting the Public Health and PBI sectors and their Salary Sacrifice Work Benefits taking responsibility for service outcomes.
Create a 'stickier' workforce using Salary Packaging Employer Benefits
Let Eziway enhance your Salary Packaging Employer Benefits by building you a positive Salary Packaging experience that will promote the attraction and retention of valuable staff.
Our industry leading payroll technology takes seconds not hours
Our error-free payroll system integrates effortlessly with every payroll system giving your Salary Packaging Employer benefits a significant advantage by processing pays with Eziway’s technology in seconds
Live Integrated Data available 24/7
Reconcile by individual employee or total employees in seconds with live integrated data, available to you 24/7 putting you at an advantage with your Salary Packaging Employer Benefits with Eziway
Your employees minimise income tax and have more in their back pocket
Salary Sacrifice Employer Benefits are summarised by lowering your employee’s income tax allowing them to spend ATO approved pre-tax dollars on everyday living expenses